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Quantities Performed

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Earth Work and Site Prepartion for BIOP-Dept 11B package -3, NMDC 11 B, Kirandul, Chattisghar

Agency:M/S KNRC Ltd

Department: PWD,Highways,(SARDP-NE) Arunachal Pradesh

Value in Lakhs: 15000.00

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Civil Works at Down Hill conveyer, Transfer Houses and Primary Stock Pile , Package-2, NMDC 11 B, Kirandul.

Agency:   M/S Sandvik Asia,Pvt Ltd

Department:  NMDC Ltd ,Kirandul ,BIOM .

Value in Lakhs:  2682.00

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Civil Works at Down Hill conveyer, Transfer Houses and Primary Stock Pile , Package-2, NMDC 11 B, Kirandul.

Agency: M/S RIPP Ltd.

Department: NMDC Ltd ,Kirandul ,BIOM .

Value in Lakhs: 1380.00

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Haul Main Mine Roads

Agency: NMDC Ltd ,Kirandul ,BIOM

Department: NMDC Ltd ,Kirandul ,BIOM .

Value in Lakhs: 1452.00

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Removal of over burden for NMDCat Diamond Mining Project, Panna , Madhya Pradesh.

Agency: M/S RIPP Ltd.

Department: NMDC Ltd , Panna

Value in Lakhs: 1462.00

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Rising of tailing dam by 2.00 M atdonimali Iron ore mines at Ballary, Karnataka.

Agency: M/S RIPP Ltd.

Department: NMDC Ltd , Donimalai, DIOM

Value in Lakhs: 453.00